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teMan setiA awAnsikeCIL

Alhamdulillah. 19teen Already !

‎" ya Allah. terima kasih atas segala nikmat kehidupan yg telah Engkau berikan kepadaku. ampunkan segala dosa silamku. panjangkan umurku utk terus beribadat  kepadaMu. ya Allah, terima kasih atas limpahan rahmat dan kasih sayangMu atas hidayahMu aku terus berada diatas landasan islam. ya Allah, terima kasih untuk segala kesenangan dunia dan berikanlah aku ketenangan dalam menuju akhirat utk umur yg mendatang serta jadikanlah aku dikalangan hambaMu yg solehah dan bertaqwa . ya Allah, buangkanlah segala sifat mazmumah yg ada dlm hatiku supaya aku menjadi insan yg bertaqwa. ya Allah, kurniakan aku insan yg soleh sbg pndamping ku. kurniakan aku qurratu a'yun sbg penyejuk mata ku. ya Allah, jadikanlah insan yg aku cintai insan yg sering berdamping di rumahMu, mencari keradhaanMu, mengejar redhaMu, mendapatkan hidayahMu. ya Allah, biarkan aku terus hidup dijalan dakwah ini. biarkan aku terus mencintaiMu. Izinkan aku terus berada dibwah perlindunganMu.. Allahumma amin "

15th october 2011

ilove you so muchhhos :)

**thank u for the CARLO RINO BAG**
i do like it so much. i wish this for long time ago :P

thanks also for the dinner tonight
thanks for the celebration
thanks family for my first lover.
thanks for be my ears, my eyes and my heart toatally :')

family always first to me.
yaa.. LIFE RULES <3
There no others more specials then family moments (:
maaaa.. ayahhh..

: nurul bersyukur sgt dpt smbut besday sebelum mk n ayah berangkat ke mekah :
: there just few days more and i feel it so hard :
: i feel like to not let the time move :( :
: jaga diri baik2 nnt kat mekah ea :
: adk syg mak n ayh sgt sgt sgt :
: mmmuahhhhh: hee
**Hugg and Kissessssssssss**

 thanks awak for the BLACK PUMA BAG.

**actually bkn ni beg dy. lagi lawa aw. wuek. hihi :P**

THANKS also for the other things which make me always smile and laugh laugh laugh :D
eh you know what  it feels.
I do feel like. ohh myy . . i like it. really like it. 
you know what ? i love evrything about you.
even i've been mad by your silly funny attitude sometime.
even you've hurt me sometimes , i try take it easy trust me.
even you can't love me as what i did as long we have been together.
i tot it was edi almost 1 year. hmm. a long period of time kan awak.
yaa youu.. youu ! even you sleep tonight on my birthday and let me really feeling lonely :')
**layan perasaan sorang sorang kat sini :( **
**for the first time myb =.='**

yaa youu.. loving me on the middle of your heart.

i love you with the top, middle and the bottom of my heart. :)

you know that, yea. really you are. 
however, whatever, no matter what.
 thanks for everything today . .
thanks for being the first person celebrating my birthday.
even you are not there on my birthday night.
i've try my best to understand you as well i take it positive :')
 iloveyoumore. more then what you did.  more then a word can says.
yaa youu... you deserve that :)
Thanks Allah, for letting this relations flows 
Thanks Allah for giving chances to us to go on with this relation. 
to fight for YOUR JANNAH

" ya Allah jadikan dia yg soleh buatku "
" berikan kami permulaan hidup yg baru "
" kekalkanlah andai bawa kebaikan "
" leraikanlah anda kami tersasar dari landasan "

" ya Allah kasihi dia "
" ya Allah lindungi dia "
" ya Allah turunkan hidayah dalam hatinya "

" if we are not going to be together.. i hope u'll find someone better then me "
trust me, true love come last.
i wish i'll be the last :)

kring kring kring. 12a.m , 
16 october 2011

**Alhamdulillah. 19teen already !**

name on screen : <3 noriko
hello hello : 
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to anna
happy birthday to youuuuuuu..

yeaaaa.. gimme clapp :') terharu lahh syg !

thanks noriko/ has noruazidah for callin callin .

yeah. i do love you. i do do do do :)
thanks to all yg text me awal awal lg. kul 9lbh pun org da text.
tapi anna edi tdo sbb siang tadi agak penat sikit. hehe.
da penat2 pun x tido petang tu sbb men  ngn abbit sy kiki & mimi. hehe
btw masey sgt everyone yg text anna..

**haaa.. panjang umor dak dua org ni**
thanks AFIDATUL ASNI & AZWAN for calling me :')

happy birhday to me :D
thanks again bebeh. sayang koranggg semuaa.


done : 3.00 am :)

2 ulasan:

Ummi Nurmasyitah berkata...

anna hapy belated bufday :)

Anna Aziz berkata...

happy besday la akk. rni besday anna. hehe