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the day has come, Convocation !

hello fallas, ergh, lamanya tak update *cupcupcup sambil cium screen latop baru pemberian bonda. lols. poyo nak gitau dapat latop baruu. boo boo booo.

Banyak sgt benda nak share ni. Lets start with my convocation day. Walawey, excited tahu tak excited. For 3 years struggles, laugh and tears, dari keluar dewan exam senyum mcm kerang sampailah keluar dewan nangis mcm beruk. wakakak *oups.

After one year pulak x jumpa classmates yang memang gila lagi sengal ubi. Rindu tahap nak hantuk kepala kat dinding tahu ke tidak ? hehe. Alhamdulillah. Finally, berkumpul semula. And paling bestt dapat berkumpul dengan your bestfriend through 3 years. Sorang dah jadi mak buyung dah. Bestnyaaaa boleh main baby dia nanti. her her.

this is pictures a day before the convocation. 
3YEARS through tick and thin with them.
love you girls, to the moon and back !

cepatnya masa berlalu dah besar pulak rasa masing-masing, dah 22 tahun tau wei bukan 18 lagi macam mula-mula masuk poli dulu. hehe. 

and finally, enjoy all the moments on my convocation day. Thanks mom and dad, thanks for all of friends, thanks to all of my lecturers, thanks for being there untill this stages. Alhamdulillah, for all this ya Rabb. 


Pray for me for the next stage. Hopefully my degree will goes well. Inshaa Allah.
All the memories here will stay till I die.

lots of love, Anna Aziz

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